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ARIZONA REGULATOR AZR-15 Out of Battery Safety

Drop in FRT Forced Reset Trigger device

Fire singles, multi round strings, or mag dumps

Federal Legal Semi-Auto single function of the trigger

All parts precision machined from solid bar stock


Videos on main page


Part Numbers Avail:

AZR-15   -   The Original Model - info below.

AZR-MSD   -   The Original Mil-Spec Disco.  Replaces your Mil-Spec Disco for Mil-Spec Setup 1. Same clearanced disco from the A2 Videos


The ARIZONA REGULATOR is a direct engagement system constructed of aircraft grade aluminum with heat treated tool steel cams, Mil-Spec stainless steel axis pins and an aerospace grade buffer.  The engineering and construction gives the ARIZONA REGULATOR a robust function and ultimate reliability.  Long term durability and reliability is our number one priority.


Works in standard Mil-Spec AR platforms - Lowers with high shelf, low shelf, no shelf, narrow pocket, wide pocket, M16 pocket - Uppers with oval pocket on underside - NO COLT BLOCK IN LOWER

No modification of upper receiver, lower receiver, or BCG required

Works with standard Mil-Spec Triggers, LaRue MBT Triggers, and Geissele SSA, SSA-*, S3G, SD3G, etc style triggers

Perfect timing engineered into the mech.  Timing never needs adjusted

Originally developed for 5.56/.223 and 9mm

Will work with other calibers that run a Mil-Spec type full auto BCG configuration

Pops in and out in seconds by hand when you want to use it

Easily swap back and forth from one gun to another containing compatable parts

Does not change the factory exterior appearance of your gun

Does not change the factory function of your gun when removed

Requires FA BCG and H3 buffer 5+ oz for 5.56/.223 or heavy 10+ oz buffer for 9mm.  To eliminate bolt bounce.


AZR-15 FRT Mech is drop in and run using Setup 1 or Setup 3 in loose tolerance ARs.  Tight tolerance ARs take a few light swipes with fine file on tip of lower cam leg to adjust for the tighter tolerances in those ARs.

Due to industry stack tolerance variances beyoned our control we had to engineer in an adjustment point to compensate for those stack tolerance variables to ensure the ARIZONA REGULATOR works in all Mil-Spec ARs.

To give you ulitmate flexability, there are three different methods you can use to setup your ARIZONA REGULATOR.

Setup Method 1 - Mil-Spec or Geissele Trigger

Setup Method 2 - Mil-Spec or LaRue MBT or Geissele Trigger

Setup Method 3 - Mil-Spec or Geissele Trigger

No mods to Larue MBT or Geissele Triggers period

No mods to Mil-Spec triggers for Setup 2 or Setup 3

Mil-Spec disco tail requires clearancing only for Setup 1

All methods allow you to swap the mech between mulitple ARs using the same method.

Most rigs take 15 to 30 min to setup. 

See main page and 5.56 Tech page or 9mm Tech page for Initial Setup and Tech details.

Questions call our Tech Service line 480.305.3236.  If we do not answer our hands are full.  Leave a message we will call you back.


Federal Legal Nationwide.

State Legal in 37 States.

States we cannot sell or ship to due to State Restrictions.


We do not accept mail in payments from Restricted areas.  Regardless if they use ship to addresses outside of those Restricted areas.


All orders ship for 8 bucks via U.S.P.S. Priority Mail Flat Rate Box

Click and buy orders process and ship within a couple days.  We process and ship orders daily in order recieved.

We do not presell or take backorders.  When we take your click and buy order we have units on hand to ship the order.

If this item shows out of stock online that does not mean we are out of The ARIZONA REGULATOR AZR-15.

Mail in orders on hand are filled before more units are added to the site for click and buy with card orders.

Click to download Mail in Order Form.


We do not ship outside of America


By placing this order you confirm you are allowed to purchase this item from your current location and posses this item at the ship to location address.  Your purchase is being made in the State of Arizona.  The ARIZONA REGULATOR AZR-15 is not intended for possession in restricted areas.

Lab 238 / Mat 0

All orders final once shipped.  No Refunds.  No Returns.  See Terms page for Warranty and other info.